We host fundraisers to help your school or organization earn money.
- Scheduled on Mondays from 5:30pm-7:30pm
- Deposit is $200 (Dade County Public Schools – no deposit) that is returned or applied to balance due, if the 50-person minimum is met.
- Scheduled on Thursdays from 5:30pm-7:30pm
- Deposit is $400 (Dade County Public Schools – $200) that is returned or applied to balance due, if the 50-person minimum is met.
- We charge $8.00 per person ($6 P.P. for MDCPS) (skating and non skating), this includes admission and regular skate rental for each person
- There is a 50-person minimum. (if minimum is not met you forfeit the deposit)
- Deposit is $200 (Dade County Public Schools – no deposit) that is returned or applied to balance due, if the 50-person minimum is met.
- We suggest to sell your tickets: $10 advanced sale, $15 sale at the door, $8 non-skater, However, the price is completely up to your organization.
- Inline skate rentals are $4, Upgraded Speed skate rentals are $5, usually paid by skater.
- Customized fundraiser ticket template is emailed to you so that you can print as many tickets as you need.
- The day of the fundraiser we will provide you with a table and chairs so that you can continue selling tickets at the door.
- Please bring in a small cash box to hold any money you will collect.
- The day of the fundraiser we will provide you with special colored and “regular skate rental” tickets to hand out as you receive your printed tickets back from your attendees.
- After tickets have been sold or collected by your staff at the door, we will check in all your guests via our cashier booth window by collecting half the colored ticket in order to enter our facility. At that time, they can purchase an inline rental ticket in place of the regular quad skate ticket.
- 30 minutes prior to ending we will settle up bill.
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August 15 Teacher planning day; District-wide Professional Development Day – not available to opt; no
students in school
August 16 Teacher planning day; not available to opt; no students in school
August 17 First Day of School; begin first semester
September 5 Labor Day; holiday for students and employees
September 26 *+# Teacher planning day; no students in school
October 5*+# Teacher planning day; no students in school
October 21 End first grading period; first semester
October 24 Begin second grading period; first semester
November 8 Teacher planning day; District-wide Professional Development Day – not available to opt; no
students in school
November 11 Observation of Veterans’ Day; holiday for students and employees
November 21-23 Fall Recess for 10 month employees
November 24 Thanksgiving; Board-approved holiday for students and employees
November 25 Recess Day
December 23*+# Teacher planning day; no students in school
December 26- Winter recess for students and employees with the exception of Fraternal Order of Police
January 6 and select 12 month employees
January 16, 2023 Observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday; holiday for students and employees
January 20 End first semester and second grading period
January 23*+# Teacher planning day; no students in school
January 24 Begin third grading period; second semester
February 20 All Presidents Day; holiday for students and employees
March 20 – 24 Spring recess for students and employees with the exception of Fraternal Order of Police and select
12 month employees
April 6 End third grading period; second semester
April 7*+# Teacher planning day; no students in school
April 10 Begin fourth grading period; second semester
May 29 Observance of Memorial Day; holiday for students and employees
June 7 Last Day of School; end fourth grading period; second semester
June 8 Teacher planning day; not available to opt; no students in school
NOTE: Every Wednesday students in elementary schools (Grades 2-5) and K-8 Centers (Grades 2-8) are released one (1) hour
Job Category Beginning Date Ending Date
Teachers new to the system August 5, 2022 June 8, 2023
Assistant Principals and 10-month clerical August 5, 2022 June 15, 2023
Cafeteria Managers August 9, 2022 June 8, 2023
Satellite Assistants August 11, 2022 June 7, 2023
All Instructional Staff, Paraprofessionals & Security August 12, 2022 June 8, 2023
Assistant to Cafeteria Managers/MAT Specialists August 15, 2022 June 7, 2023
Cafeteria Workers (part-time) August 17, 2022 June 7, 2023
*Teachers/paraprofessionals and school support personnel may opt to work one or two days, August 10, 11, 2022, or June 9, 12, 2023,
in lieu of any one or two of the following days: September 26, 2022, October 5, 2022, December 23, 2022, January 23, 2023 and April 7,
2023. August 15, 2022 and November 8, 2022 are District-wide Professional Development Days and are not available to opt.
+Teachers new to Miami-Dade County Public Schools may opt to work one or two days, June 9, 12, 2023, in lieu of any one or two of
the following days: September 26, 2022, October 5, 2022, December 23, 2022, January 23, 2023 and April 7, 2023. August 15, 2022 and
November 8, 2022 are District-wide Professional Development Days and are not available to opt.
#Ten-month secretarial and clerical employees may opt to work one or two days, August 3, 4, 2022, or June 16, 20, 2023, in lieu of any
one or two of the following days: September 26, 2022, October 5, 2022, December 23, 2022, January 23, 2023 and April 7, 2023. August
15, 2022 and November 8, 2022 are District-wide Professional Development Days and are not available to opt.